Tuesday 23 December 2008


Haha.. it seems that i just can't wait to go to sumwhere that i really wana go..haha LoL.. apaatah tu ah.. i have another 3 days lef.. nah.. kan packing awal kali?haha ada kana ucap semangat tah bnr. My flight at 4.55pm.. lepas waktu keraja kali ah.. pakai baju keraja lagi tu.. meeting kali ah.. LOL

How much should i bring? 50 Rm ok kali ah?? transport and bayar hotel pun nda cukup tu lai.

I think......atu saja for now ah..Hahahah!!!

C ya sumwhere i belong.. apakan tu ah!!!!


Tuesday 16 December 2008

Ada ada saja...

One day an aeroplane has to go to Tokyo for an emergency flight. It was stormy followed by heavy rains. During the flight, the aeroplane got a flight problem. The plane was hard to control. It can't be manage properly. The pilot was too scared and asks if there is any nearest airport so that they can land there. The only nearest airport was only Brunei airport (don't look at the map cos it just a story). The pilot tries to call the Brunei airport that their plane is going to landthere.
Pilot : Can anyone receive this message?
RBA : Yes.carry on tah

Pilot: Our plane is stuck by a problem..
RBA: What problem?

Pilot : Our left wings have been struck by a thunder..

Pilot : what? Whatever.how should I do?
RBA : Bah.try to move the plane to the right..

Pilot : I can't
RBA : Why?

Pilot : My steering does not functioning anymore..
RBA : Calm down.try to use the automatic driver steering

Pilot : I can't
RBA : Why?

Pilot : Coz the mechanics throw that function away..
RBA : Try to increase the speed of your engine..

Pilot : I can't
RBA : Why? Don't say that you don't have an engine.

Pilot : No.the engine does not work properly coz it was second hand
RBA : Well this is critical for us

Pilot : What should I do?
RBA : Can you land about 20km ahead?

Pilot : I can't
RBA: Why?

Pilot : Coz our fuel is dried out
RBA : Well there is nothing I can help.there is only one hope..

Pilot: What..?
RBA : Repeat after me..

Pilot : OK!
RBA : Ashha duanla ilaha illallah wa ash ha du anna muhamma darrassulullah

Tuesday 9 December 2008

BBQ at Pantai Serasa

Last sunday, we had a gathering for my intake but only for guys..hehe. The venue was at pantai serasa. Actually we had to come at 10 a.m.. haha tapikan biasal janji melayu punya melayu... so itu ini nah kul 11 a.m eh.. kan kul 12 bah. Aku lagi ke akhiran tu that time.. manakan menunggu mee masak lagi..cooked by my mom kali ah..sluurrppp! ngambil sarai lagi tu, menatak - menatak eh..tau apa erti menatak? haaha.. hantam tah sjaa eyh.

Then i had to pick up c Bul lagi di mata-mata. ngaleh kali ia nunggu aku ah..i msged him to wait me at 10.15 a.m ku kesana ah.. Nah when i sampai kat dia punya rumah, naik ku selajur kerumahnya ah.. kasian bah ia nunggu akus sorang2 ah. kebatahan usulnya.. Sorry BOL.. my bad..

Afterthat kami jalan lah, when we arrived at the pantai ah..pikirtah dorang nie start sudah rupanya belum. They were waiting us because of the minyak. baik jua kami bawa eyh.. kalau nda tepaksatah menunggu lagi tu.

Yang attended the gathering ialah.... calon - calonnya adalah..... Myself, Bol, Nedz Fak, Khai, Lim, Mijul, Beh, kawan s Beh, Nizam, Kawan c nizam, Hj Boi, Ramzi and Hasbi..sikit ku lagi lupa bi nama mu..hehe. Banyak bah dorang bali ah the daging ayamz, kambings, Sausage ah. errmmm sayangnya i tak dapat mkn those foods..

Wednesday 3 December 2008


Taken from ranoadidas.com..